What Is Proper Food for Pets?

It’s what’s inside that counts Our pets deserve to eat proper food that’s full of goodness, so Lily's Kitchen uses healthy, nourishing ingredients to make delicious, natural recipes, nutritionally tailored to help keep your four legged friend in the best…

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Biogance Special Offer

2+1 Free on All Biogance Products Buy any 3 products from Biogance in store and get the cheapest for free! About the Brand Paraben free, phenoxyethanol free and animal oil free, BIOGANCE® optimizes its formulations in order to develop natural…

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Training Your Cat to Embrace the Scratching Post

Cats have a natural instinct to scratch—it helps them stretch their muscles, mark territory, and keep their claws healthy. However, sometimes this behavior can lead to scratched furniture, which can be a source of frustration for pet owners. One effective…

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Organic and Natural Hygiene for Pets by Biogance

If your pet has a habit of running through mud, or has a long coat that seems to be impossible to detangle, you'll appreciate Biogance's range of pet grooming products. Who is Biogance? Biogance, based in France, is a team…

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Keeping Your Pets Cool This Summer

Most of us treat our pets as family members. Our pets are our companions. They become part of our lives and now more than ever, we are including them in our everyday life. Shopping with your dog is also  becoming…

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Dog shampoo from Beeztees, the ideal coat care!

Washing your dog can be a chore. Most dogs do not really cooperate, you need to watch out that no soap gets into the eyes or ears and then also make sure that your dog gets thoroughly clean. We can't…

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The Importance of an Orthopedic Dog Bed

Most dogs spend an average of 20 hours a day sleeping or laying down. This can add a lot of pressure to their joints if they are laying on worn-out beds or hard surfaces. An Orthopedic bed will reduce the…

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Keeping your Pets Hydrated in Summer

We all look forward to some fun summer days, especially to enjoy them with our furry friends. It’s great to do so, but we must make sure to keep them safely hydrated while they enjoy the fun! The importance of…

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What is my dog ​​dreaming about?

What is he dreaming about? This question may have crossed your mind when your dog starts kicking his paws in his sleep. Is he dreaming about you or maybe that rabbit he was chasing this afternoon? Well .. that could…

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